Checking In

Hello all, it’s been a while.

I suppose since I’m not waxing philosophical about the present world situation, anyone who still remembers this blog (assuming it hasn’t completely vanished from everyone’s radar by now) probably wonders how I’m doing with the recent news out of Europe.

Splendid. Absolutely spiffy. Couldn’t be finer. It isn’t as if this was the third life I’ve lived when there’s been a major war in Europe or anything. Oh no! Why would I be at all bothered by that? Why would I be at all bothered about the fact that I’ve been in almost every aspect of war in my memories except a civilian casualty? That only happens to other people and absolutely not to me because my luck is always perfect!

Please forgive my sarcastic vitriol. I’m very very tired. I might almost welcome annihilation by a nuclear fireball at this point. Maybe if I get vaporized on the subatomic level I can avoid coming back finally and just not exist.